La Belle-Iloise Sardines aux Baies de Batak et Curcuma

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CHF 9.90

Sustainable Small Producer Plastic free Organic Fair Made in Europe


Explore new flavors with this novel recipe where the good iodized taste of sardines is
sublimated by the perfumed heat of turmeric and the lemony notes of Batak berries.

With this unpublished creation signed the Iloise-Bybeen, embark on a taste trip under a
golden sun ... The perfumed heat of turmeric, super-antoxidant spice, marries with lemony
and flowery notes of the Batak berries, a rare pepper picked in the wild on the island of
Sumatra. Associated with a rapeseed oil extracted in France, they sublimate with a touch of
exoticism, the good iodized taste of our sardines.

Fished at maturity and in season as close as possible to Quiberon, our sardines are worked
fresh, by hand, within 24 hours of their reception. Minutely selected, brined and dyed, they
are put in cans with the greatest delicacy after cooking. Carefully aligned, we present them
blank, the supreme guarantee of quality.

Ingredients: Sardines, rapeseed oil (19%), lemon juice, water, spices including turmeric
(0.1%) and Batak berries (0.1%), potato starch, salt.


Entdecken Sie neue Geschmacksrichtungen mit diesem neuartigen Rezept, bei dem der gute jodhaltige
Geschmack der Sardinen durch die duftende Schärfe der Kurkuma und die zitronigen Noten der Batak-
Beeren sublimiert wird.

Mit dieser unveröffentlichten Kreation von Iloise-Bybeen begeben Sie sich auf eine Geschmacksreise
unter einer goldenen Sonne ... Die duftende Schärfe von Kurkuma, einem super-antioxidativen Gewürz,
verbindet sich mit den zitronigen und blumigen Noten der Batak-Beeren, einer seltenen Pfefferart,
die auf der Insel Sumatra wild gepflückt wird. In Verbindung mit einem in Frankreich gewonnenen
Rapsöl verleihen sie unseren Sardinen einen Hauch von Exotik und einen guten Jodgeschmack.

Unsere Sardinen werden in der Reifezeit und in der Saison so nah wie möglich an Quiberon gefischt
und innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach ihrer Ankunft frisch von Hand verarbeitet. Sie werden sorgfältig
ausgewählt, gepökelt und gefärbt und nach dem Garen mit größter Sorgfalt in Dosen abgefüllt.
Sorgfältig ausgerichtet, präsentieren wir sie blank, die oberste Garantie für Qualität.

Zutaten: Sardinen, Rapsöl (19%), Zitronensaft, Wasser, Gewürze wie Kurkuma (0,1%) und
Batak-Beeren (0,1%), Kartoffelstärke, Salz.


La Belle-iloise

La belle-illoise, is a family run fish conserver from Brittany. Since 1932 they are true to their values that are being a local company ,working with the local fishermen and solely fishing in the fish grounds around the village of Qiberon. Depending on the season up to 600 people from the region work for la belle-illoise. Today the company is run by the founders grand daughter. Independency runs deep in the veins of every Breton so it’s not astonishing that beside being a very local company they did not want to relay on others to do business. Therefore they opened their first store 1967 which gave them independency from distributors and big chain stores and a direct contact to the customers. The local fish is brought in in the morning and immediately proceeded. A lot of the work is still done by hand and only the finest ingredients are used. Respecting the environment is a core value at la belle-illoise so you only find local sustainable fish in their tins. They recycle everything they can from fish to the water used for the production. The oil used for the sardine production becomes bio fuel. The historic establishment of the company on the peninsula of Quiberon gives it a privileged link with the resource, the marine world, its rules and seasons. On a day-to-day basis, the Conserverie reliably uses the resources at its disposal in all areas: environmental, social and societal. Kitchener note: We are big fans of tinned fish like sardine and mackerel. Not only are these fish that not at all endangered but they have a lot of omega 3 fats and are besides being super yummy also very healthy. Having some tinned fish in the cupboard is essential, be it to through together a quick and delicious dinner when you just had no time for shopping or when you wake up with a hangover and need some serious breakfast. Nothing beats a hangover like anchovy or sardine on toast and some black coffee. With la belle-illoise we know that we have a producer we can trust that they take care that there will be fish for many more generations to come. And we love to support local businesses. "Tinned fish makes a lovely gift and la belle-illoise tins are especially beautifull gifts. We have tried many tins of fish and to us la belle-illoise are among the best. " sarah , buyer

More about La Belle-iloise