Urban Lemonade - Bio Yuzu Sparkling
Vegan Sustainable Small Producer Local Plastic free Organic Fair Made in Europe
The Japanese
The yuzu is a head of character:
Although it looks like a shapeless lemon,
but underneath the rind is a complex and intense world..,
that is far ahead of its smooth, perfect counterpart.
You can guess that it comes from Japan, where it has long been used in cooking and seasoning.
And because learning from Japan means learning to enjoy, it has also been becoming increasingly popular in Europe for some time.
The yuzu inhabits its own epicurean world somewhere there,
where mandarin and lime have reached their taste limits.
It gives lemonade a subtle and decidedly un-sweet freshness,
that is undeniably reminiscent of that one day..:
Back in spring, on the small island of Naoshima in southern Japan,
when the abandoned temple was bathed in glistening, warm midday light.
and an orange cat greeted the visitors.
Yuzu juice (100% juice)
Lime juice
Organic raw cane sugar
Die Yuzu ist ein Charakterkopf:
zwar sieht sie aus wie eine unförmige Zitrone,
doch steckt unter der Schale eine komplexe und intensive Welt,
die ihrem glatten, perfekten Pendant weit voraus ist.
Sie kommt, man ahnt es, aus Japan, wo schon lange mit ihr gekocht und gewürzt wird.
Und weil von Japan lernen bedeutet, Genuss zu lernen, wird sie seit einiger Zeit auch in Europa immer beliebter.
Die Yuzu bewohnt ihre eigene lukullische Welt irgendwo dort,
wo Mandarine und Limette an ihre geschmacklichen Grenzen gestossen sind.
Sie gibt der Limonade eine eine subtile und entschieden un-süsse Frische,
die unbestreitbar an diesen einen Tag erinnert:
damals im Frühling, auf der kleinen Insel Naoshima im Süden Japans,
als der verlassene Tempel in gleissend-wärmenden Mittagslicht erstrahlte
und eine orange Katze die Besucher begrüsste.
Yuzusaft (100% Direktsaft)
Bio Roh-Rohrzucker
In 1905, Thomas Fentiman, an iron puddler from Cleckheaton, England was approached by a fellow tradesman for a loan. A deal was struck and a recipe for botanically brewed ginger beer was provided as security. The loan was never repaid so Thomas became the owner of the unique recipe. Thomas began using the recipe and producing botanically brewed ginger beer which he delivered door-to-door using a horse and cart for transport. His ginger beer was stored in handmade stone jars known affectionately as ‘grey hens’ which were stamped with an image of Thomas' pet dog 'Fearless' after winning the ‘Crufts’ obedience class in 1933 and 1934. Fentimans botanically brewed ginger beer quickly became very popular and the family business grew, with several brewing and production facilities being opened in the North of England. The world has changed a lot over 100 years since Thomas Fentiman founded the business and Fentimans have had to adapt to meet the demands of the modern world. Changes in the way people shop mean that we don't deliver door-to-door anymore and instead we sell our beverages in shops, bars and restaurants. We also use motorised transport to make deliveries, rather than horses and carts and the old stone jars adorned by ‘Fearless’ have been replaced by our iconic glass bottles. Over 100 years since Fentimans started brewing botanical drinks the business is still in the Fentimans family and is owned by the Great Grandson of Thomas Fentiman. We also continue to make our delicious natural beverages by the multi-stage botanical brewing technique. Our processes have been updated and our beverages are now carbonated before being filled and pasteurised to extend the product shelf life. The one thing that has not changed is the superior quality and unsurpassed taste of our drinks.