Escentric Molecules - MOLECULE 04 FRAGRANCE 100ML

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CHF 169.90

Small Producer

The Molecule 04 fragrance is radically minimalist. It contains no odorants except the aroma-molecule, Javanol.

Der Duft Molecule 04 ist radikal minimalistisch. Er enthält keine Geruchsstoffe außer dem Aromamolekül Javanol.

Javanol is a sandalwood-type molecule that retains the radiance and
endurance of natural sandalwood,but is sheer and transparent like
no sandalwood in nature.

“What I love about Javanol is its almost psychedelic freshness,” says
Geza Schoen.“It smells as if liquid metallic grapefruit peel were poured
over a bed of velvety cream-coloured roses.”

Javanol is like Iso E Super, the molecule in Escentric Molecules 01,
in some ways.Like Iso E Super, it comes and goes. The person wearing
it loses the ability to smell it after a short while,
only to re-connect with it later.


Javanol ist ein sandelholzähnliches Molekül, das die Ausstrahlung und
Beständigkeit von natürlichem Sandelholz beibehält,Es ist jedoch durchsichtig
und transparent wie kein anderes Sandelholz in der Natur.

"Was ich an Javanol liebe, ist seine fast psychedelische Frische",
sagt Geza Schoen."Es riecht, als würde man flüssige, metallische
Grapefruitschalen über ein Bett aus samtigen, cremefarbenen Rosen gießen."

Javanol ist in gewisser Weise wie Iso E Super, das Molekül in Escentric
Molecules 01.Wie Iso E Super kommt und geht es. Die Person, die ihn
trägt, verliert nach kurzer Zeit die Fähigkeit, ihn zu riechen,nur um sich
später wieder mit ihm zu verbinden.



Escentric Molecules owes its existence to an aroma-molecule that does not exist in nature. Iso E Super was created in a laboratory at IFF in 1973. It remained unknown outside the world of perfumery until the launch of Escentric Molecules, though its elusive presence hovers at relatively low concentrations in the background of many fragrances for both men and women. Among perfumers, it is prized for its velvety, cocooning effect.

When perfumer Geza Schoen first smelt Iso E Super in isolation, something clicked. “I realised that the common denominator in all the fragrances I liked was that they contained a large dose of it. Iso E Super is highly unusual. You can never get enough of it. One sniff and you want the whole bottle. It’s like a drug.”

Schoen began to experiment, creating fragrances that contained Iso E Super in unheard-of proportions. One night he went further. Heading out for a drink with a friend, he suggested they spritz on nothing but the aroma-molecule itself.

The effect was immediate. No sooner had they sat down at a bar, than a woman came up to ask about their fragrance. As Schoen talked with her, it became clear that the connection between the fragrances she liked was also a large dose of Iso E Super. Schoen realised he was on to something.
His proposal was bold. He would create two fragrances in homage to this enigmatic attractant. One fragrance would contain an unprecedented 65% of the molecule. The rest of the formula would consist of ingredients designed to underscore its low-lit mood.

If this was a radical move, the second fragrance was totally non-conformist. It would contain only the molecule Iso E Super. “I thought, this one will appeal only to the artists, the freaks, the outsiders.”

He was wrong. From its launch in 2006, Escentric Molecules was a phenomenon. Schoen followed the first pair of fragrances, 01, with 02, 03, and in 2017, a fourth pair, Escentric Molecules 04. Each pair focuses on those rare aroma-molecules that have the radiance and depth of character to stand alone.

More about Escentric_Molecules