The Soul of Congo - Treasures of the Ngoma label (1948-1963)
Planet Ilunga is an independent Belgian record label focusing on music that is at first sight untranslatable.
It specialises in archiving, documenting and sharing the “Rumba Lingala” sound from the fifties and sixties from both the Congos.
Planet Ilunga wishes to contribute to restoring the rich Congolese music archive, in the first place through high quality vinyl records and extensive booklets.
Planet Ilunga, the Brussels-based publisher has, since 2013, produced a series of recordings dedicated to the history of Congolese popular music from artists like Franco & OK Jazz, Docteur Nico, Orchestre Rock-a-Mambo and Joseph Kabasele & African Jazz. For its tenth release and in celebration of its tenth anniversary, the label launches with "The Soul of Congo" its most ambitious project to date: a well-documented and extensive anthology (on 3LP + 3CD) about the illustrious and legendary Congolese music label Ngoma.
The Soul of Congo is a compilation that spans the years from 1948 to 1963 as the Belgian Congo emerged from colonial subjugation into the first flower of Independence.
Singers and players came to Congo’s capital Léopoldville, from all over Central Africa — from the streets of Brazzaville on the opposite shore of the Congo river to the vast plateau of Mbanza Congo in Angola, from the mineral rich areas of Lubumbashi (Elizabethville) in the Deep South to the lively docks of Kisangani (Stanleyville) in the northeast, from the rocky wastes of Mbandaka (Coquilhatville) in the West to the majestic forests of Bukavu (Costermansville) in the East.
Léopoldville became a cauldron of musical syncretism between the African rhythms that arrived with these musicians and the European, Caribbean and Cuban tunes that were popular in the big city. The new sounds were recorded for one of the big five Congo labels: Opika, Loningisa, Esengo, Olympia or Ngoma. None of the other Congolese labels better showcased the energy, variety & spirit of this era than the Ngoma label. The label was founded by the Greek Nicolas Jéronimidis in 1948.
After his early death in 1951, it was further developed by Nikis Cavvadias and Alexandros Jéronimidis. During its existence, from 1948 until 1971, Ngoma made over 4500 recordings, creating a crucial cultural legacy. Now with Unesco declaring Congolese Rumba as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity as of December 2021, it is fitting they are restored to the ears of the world.
Dedicated record collectors came together to make this compilation possible. From the USA, Belgium, Japan, France, Morocco and The Netherlands, these generous fans of the music have pooled their collections for the compilation, assembled and annotated by Alastair Johnston who runs the Muzikifan website from California. He dedicates this release to Flemming Harrev from the reference website who passed away in 2020.
Legendary but unheard songs were tracked down, some emerging from dead stock in a forgotten Tanzanian record store. Experts who have made previous compilations were solicited for their advice and recommendations; liner notes, graduate theses, African periodicals, blogs and documents by authorities such as Jean-Pierre Nimy Nzonga, Sylvain Konko, Gary Stewart, Manda Tchebwa, and Michel Lonoh were scoured for clues.

Bongo Joe
In der selben Tradition wie Honest Jon's aus London steht auch der 2013 gegründete Record Shop Bongo Joe in Genf. Nebst einer grossartigen Auswahl an musikalischen Leckerbissen dient Bongo Joe mit seiner Terrasse und einer Bar mit seinem monatlichem Programm auch als Treffpunkt für Musikliebhaber. Das Label bringt immer wieder grossartige Platten auf den Markt, von anatomischem Psych-Pop bis afro-kubanischem Space Sound.
EN: The Record Shop Bongo Joe in Geneva, founded in 2013, follows the same tradition as Honest Jon's from London. In addition to a great selection of musical gems, Bongo Joe, with its terrace and bar, also serves as a gathering place for music lovers with a monthly programme. The label regularly releases great records, from anatomical psych-pop to Afro-Cuban space sound.