The Humble Co. Eco-Friendly Bamboo Toothbrush "Proud Edition" Soft Bristles
Sustainable Plastic free For a good cause
Bamboo with plant-based wax cover / BPA-free Nylon bristles / Stainless steel clamps
- BPA-free bristles
- Biodegradable handle
- Recyclable packaging
- Dentist-approved
- Bambus mit pflanzlichem Wachsüberzug / BPA-freie Nylonborsten / Edelstahlklammern
- BPA-freie Borsten
- Biologisch abbaubarer Griff
- Recycelbare Verpackung
- Zahnarzt-geprüft
Cleans just as well as a plastic toothbrush but with a handle made from 100% biodegradable
bamboo with a natural wax cover to meet the highest hygienic standards. Equipped with BPA-
free nylon bristles with 65% plant-based materials from caster beans.
- Product: Use a pair of pliers to remove the bristles from the head of the toothbrush.
Once the handle is free of bristles, it can be disposed of in a composting bin. The bristles
are very small and curbside recycling may not work. We recommend that you dispose of the
bristles in your usual household waste or contact your local recycling facility to see if
there’s a solution for recycling the bristles.
- Packaging: The cardboard box and inside bag can be recycled as paper.
Reinigt genauso gut wie eine Plastikzahnbürste, aber mit einem Griff aus 100 % biologisch
abbaubarem Bambus mit einem natürlichen Wachsüberzug, um den höchsten hygienischen Standards
zu entsprechen. Ausgestattet mit BPA-freien Nylonborsten mit 65% pflanzlichen Materialien
aus Rizinusbohnen.
- Produkt: Verwenden Sie eine Zange, um die Borsten aus dem Kopf der Zahnbürste zu entfernen.
Sobald der Griff frei von Borsten ist, kann er in einer Komposttonne entsorgt werden. Die
Borsten sind sehr klein, so dass sie möglicherweise nicht über die Mülltonne entsorgt werden
können. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Borsten über den normalen Hausmüll zu entsorgen oder
sich bei Ihrer örtlichen Recyclingstelle zu erkundigen, ob es eine Lösung für das Recycling
der Borsten gibt.
- Verpackung: Die Pappschachtel und der Innenbeutel können als Papier recycelt werden.

The Humble co.
the humble vision!
"When we are lucky enough to be born in an affluent part of the world it should be our duty to take care of the less fortunate. Many children will never own any oral care products and we’re depleting natural resources and filling up the oceans with used products.
Can we change our ways of production and consumption? Can we help provide oral care products to those that need it most? The answer is yes!"
As a dentist, The Humble Co. was founded to create products that are good for you and kind to our planet. Every Humble purchase goes towards funding projects for the benefit of children in need.
Humble co. are a bulldog in the fight against the plastic toothbrushes. Humble choose to call it a fight since the world consumes more than 3.6 billion plastic toothbrushes every year – most of which end up in landfills and oceans! With a beautiful and simple design, Humble Brush is a serious alternative to regular plastic toothbrushes. No disadvantages! Why would you ever want to buy a plastic toothbrush again? Stop plastics. Be Humble.