Smile Makers The Firefighter: Clit Vibrator for a Broad Stimulation on the Vulva

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CHF 59.90

14.7 x 4.5 x 3.2cm

Clit & Labia Stimulator, Broad & Solft Touch, Bestseller
-Klitoris- und Schamlippenstimulator, Broad & Solft Touch, Bestseller

Did you know the stimulation of the labia can lead to more intense orgasms?
A we get aroused, the internal structure of the clitoris gets engorged and as a result,
the inner and outer labia become more plumped and sensitive.

Pressing the flame shape of the Firefighter clit vibrator against the labia
massages the inner structure of the clitoris, adding to the stimulation on the clitoral glans
and bringing you more pleasure and intense orgasms.

The Firefighter is designed to stimulate the tip of the clitoris
and its internal structure through the labia


Wussten Sie, dass die Stimulation der Schamlippen zu intensiveren Orgasmen führen kann?
Wenn wir erregt sind, wird die innere Struktur der Klitoris erregt, was zur Folge hat, dass
werden die inneren und äußeren Schamlippen praller und empfindlicher.

Wenn Sie die Flammenform des Firefighter Klitorisvibrators gegen die Schamlippen drücken
massiert die innere Struktur der Klitoris, was die Stimulation der Klitorisvorhaut verstärkt
und bringt Ihnen mehr Lust und intensive Orgasmen.

Der Firefighter ist so konzipiert, dass er die Spitze der Klitoris
und ihre innere Struktur durch die Schamlippen



One rainy weekend in April 2002, the co-founder felt adventurous and walked into a sex shop to buy a vibrator, but was truly disappointed. 
Why was everything so tasteless and offensive? It felt unfair to women. They studied the market and were amazed – in the UK, there are more women who have a vibrator at home, than households with a dishwasher. 
Elsewhere, 50% of women use vibrators and two thirds of the rest want to try. They also discovered that 80% of women experience pain during sex due to vaginal dryness, but less than 4% like the traditional lubricants available. 
Two simple facts became evident; first, demand for sexual wellbeing products is universal and second, the shopping environment, product design and quality were alarmingly unappealing the world over. No brand was speaking respectfully to women. 
They left their safe careers, decided to make a difference and in 2013, Smile Makers was launched. The idea was simple – the best product experience, a brand that women can love, promoted and sold in everyday environments. 

More about SmileMakers