Smile Makers Generous Gel: Vaginal Lubricant Gel for Sex
Rich Texture, Internal Use, Vagina & Anus- friendly
-Reichhaltige Textur, Innere Anwendung, Vagina & Anus-freundlich
Did you know 8 out of 10 women have experienced pain during penetrative sex?
It's awfully commom, but it doesn't mean we should settle for it.
So, cushion up with this lubricant gel for women, and enjoy sex like you should!
Focus on the good stuff with Generous Gel!
Its gel texture cushions things up to make penetration smooth.
Moreover its thicker texture and PH-optimal composition make it a great lubricant gel for vaginal and anal sex.
Wussten Sie, dass 8 von 10 Frauen schon einmal Schmerzen beim Penetrationsverkehr hatten?
Das ist schrecklich häufig, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass wir uns damit abfinden sollten.
Also, polstern Sie sich mit diesem Gleitgel für Frauen auf und genießen Sie den Sex so, wie Sie es sollten!
Konzentrieren Sie sich auf das Wesentliche mit Generous Gel!
Seine Gel-Textur polstert alles auf und macht die Penetration sanft.
Seine dickere Textur und die PH-optimale Zusammensetzung machen es außerdem zu einem großartigen Gleitgel für Vaginal- und Analsex.

One rainy weekend in April 2002, the co-founder felt adventurous and walked into a sex shop to buy a vibrator, but was truly disappointed.
Why was everything so tasteless and offensive? It felt unfair to women. They studied the market and were amazed – in the UK, there are more women who have a vibrator at home, than households with a dishwasher.
Elsewhere, 50% of women use vibrators and two thirds of the rest want to try. They also discovered that 80% of women experience pain during sex due to vaginal dryness, but less than 4% like the traditional lubricants available.
Two simple facts became evident; first, demand for sexual wellbeing products is universal and second, the shopping environment, product design and quality were alarmingly unappealing the world over. No brand was speaking respectfully to women.
They left their safe careers, decided to make a difference and in 2013, Smile Makers was launched. The idea was simple – the best product experience, a brand that women can love, promoted and sold in everyday environments.