Sardines in Organic Olive Oil

Nicht auf Lager
CHF 6.50

Tinned Fish

Word has it that the best sardines come from neighbouring waters.
From the Atlantic and Mediterranean, one gets fresh sardines with a silver shine.
Add quality olive oil to wine and dine!
Olive oil has always been one of the desired partners in Portuguese cuisine,
and only excellent ingredients can aspire to have memorable encounters with such a refined olive oil.

The sardines swam along the Atlantic coast, up and down, laughing and stretching, shaking and bending!
That’s why the coast is as curvy as we know it!

Man sagt, dass die besten Sardinen aus benachbarten Gewässern kommen.
Aus dem Atlantik und dem Mittelmeer erhält man frische Sardinen mit einem silbernen Glanz.
Füge hochwertiges Olivenöl zum Wein hinzu und speise! Olivenöl ist seit jeher einer der begehrten Partner der portugiesischen Küche,
und nur exzellente Zutaten können eine unvergessliche Begegnung mit einem so raffinierten Olivenöl anstreben.

Die Sardinen schwammen entlang der Atlantikküste, auf und ab, lachten und streckten sich, zitterten und bogen sich!
Deshalb ist die Küste so kurvenreich, wie wir es kennen!


José Gourmet

Unter dem Label José Gourmet versammeln sich allerlei Portugiesische Delikatessen.

Das Team von José Gourmet arbeitet mit kleinen Produzenten aus Portugal zusammen und verkauft deren Produkte liebevoll verpackt in die ganze Welt. Ziel ist es, die Leckerbissen Portugals bekannter zu machen und das lokale Gewerbe zu unterstützen. Bei den Büchsenfischen handelt sich also um keine Fischschlepper-Ware, der Fisch wurde allesamt von regionalen kleinen Fischern gefangen. Und schmecken tun die Fische auch! 

EN: The Portuguese brand Jose Gourmet started the association from this old and prestigious “trademark” with products.
Olive oil from the oldest trees within the borders, firewater from Lourinhã, canned goods from the seas of our coast and more. They selected some of the best classics, created some new ones, “dressed” them according to our century and showed them to the world.
They believe in sustained growth and what to be “somewhere” in 5 years seeking the balance between work and fun in between. Only the tip of the iceberg is in plain sight, join them in this journey! They don’t produce, they select.
They select products of small production and great quality and have an honest relationship with their suppliers.
They pay on time, normally beforehand and they don’t argue about price. They ask the same from our clients.
The ones that possess the quality of producing for them, have pride on what they accomplish, select the best ingredients, have passion and deserve the same commitment.  They find customers (or are found) that seek the best amongst the best and are willing to pay the “right” price.
The Portuguese brand Jose Gourmet started the association from this old and prestigious “trademark” with products.
Olive oil from the oldest trees within the borders, firewater from Lourinhã, canned goods from the seas of our coast and more. They selected some of the best classics, created some new ones, “dressed” them according to our century and showed them to the world.
They believe in sustained growth and what to be “somewhere” in 5 years seeking the balance between work and fun in between. Only the tip of the iceberg is in plain sight, join them in this journey! They don’t produce, they select.
They select products of small production and great quality and have an honest relationship with their suppliers. They pay on time, normally beforehand and they don’t argue about price.
They ask the same from our clients. The ones that possess the quality of producing for them, have pride on what they accomplish, select the best ingredients, have passion and deserve the same commitment.  They find customers (or are found) that seek the best amongst the best and are willing to pay the “right” price.

More about José Gourmet