Nojo / Sesame Sauce

Auf Lager
CHF 6.50

Vegan Small Producer Plastic free Fair Made in Europe


Add to noodles, Stir-fry, Salad & Rice
-Zu Nudeln, Pfannengerichten, Salat und Reis

Nojo make Japanese sauces
that will transform your everyday meal with superior flavour.
Every sauce is prepared according to a traditional Japanese recipe
using the finest quality ingredients- gluten free soy (tamari),
A grade maple syrup, sichuan pepper and other natural ingredients.

Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil, Balsamic Vinegar (Sulphites)(21%),
Tamari Soy Sauce (49% Soy Beans, Water, Salt,
Distilled Alcohol from sugar can, Koji seed aspergillus oryzae)( 15.9%).
Maple Syrup, Toasted Sesame Oil (3.8%), Ginger, Garlic, Xanthan Gum

Allergen Information
Contains Soy, Sesame and Sulphates.

Recycling Information
Bottle – Recyclable. Lid – Recyclable. Label-Recyclable.



Nojo stellt japanische Saucen her
die Ihre alltäglichen Mahlzeiten mit hervorragendem Geschmack verwandeln werden.
Jede Sauce wird nach einem traditionellen japanischen Rezept zubereitet
unter Verwendung der besten Zutaten - glutenfreies Soja (Tamari),
Ahornsirup der Güteklasse A, Sichuanpfeffer und andere natürliche Zutaten.

Kaltgepresstes Rapsöl, Balsamico-Essig (Sulfite) (21%),
Tamari Sojasoße (49% Sojabohnen, Wasser, Salz,
Destillierter Alkohol aus Zuckerdose, Koji-Samen Aspergillus oryzae)(15,9%).
Ahornsirup, geröstetes Sesamöl (3,8%), Ingwer, Knoblauch, Xanthan

Informationen zu Allergenen
Enthält Soja, Sesam und Sulfate.

Flasche - Wiederverwertbar. Deckel - Wiederverwertbar. Etikett - Wiederverwertbar.




Nojo is a B-Corp certified company, creating delicious cooking sauces with a sustainable ethos at its heart.  Each sauce is packed full of flavour and plant-based ingredients, the six-strong selection allows for a taste-bud tingling, cheek-wiping dinner every day of the week. 

NOJO is in an independent & female-owned business. 

Their award-winning sauces magically transform everyday meals into something truly special, in a matter of seconds. 

Each sauce is prepared with the finest natural ingredients, to create incredible tasting sauces ranging from miso to teriyaki, to orange poke. Promising mind-blowing umami flavours, that are 100% plant-based. 

Nojo are on a mission to create incredible tasting products, without impacting the environment - they are GMO-Free, plastic-free and a certified B corporation. 

From ramen to stir fry, salads, to sandwiches, your customers can now easily make vegan recipes that taste sensational, simply by adding a healthy splash of NOJO - a saucy sidekick. With no additives or artificial flavours, these sustainable and nutritious sauces are too good to miss. 

More about Nojo