Mississipi Records / Marissa Anderson : Traditional Public Domain Songs LP
Marisa Anderson doesn't just play guitar — she sinks into bends and lingers over melodies, knowing when to light a fire under her fingers and when to wind like a creek. Mississippi Records, the Portland-based label and record store that released The Golden Hour and Mercury, is now reissuing Traditional And Public Domain Songs with different artwork and a couple new tracks.
"Traditional And Public Domain Songs is an exploration of the relationship between evangelical Christianity and state-sanctioned violence," Anderson tells NPR. "I spent a year as artist in residence at KBOO community radio in Portland, researching church songs, patriotic songs, murder ballads and old folk songs. Because the record is an instrumental guitar record, I chose melodies that, to me, stand on their own, transcending their lyrics. I love these songs, but I find myself unable to present them without context."
In the hands of Marisa Anderson, "Amazing Grace" is not just a salvation hymn but also a tremolo-streaked plea for accountability.

Mississippi Records
Selber waren wir leider noch nie bei Mississippi Records aber das Label hat sich in den letzten 12 Jahren ein Namen gemacht durch Veröffentlichungen von obskuren Raritäten, wunderbaren Blues & Folk Reissues und sensationellen Mix-Kasetten. Allesamt mit den grossartigsten Covers überhaupt. Mississippi Records-Releases werden nur auf Vinyl und oft in kleinsten Stückzahlen veröffentlicht.
EN: Unfortunately we have never been there ourselves at Mississippi Records but the label has made a name for itself over the past 12 years with releases of obscure rarities, wonderful Blues & Folk Reissues and sensational mix tapes. All with the greatest covers ever. Mississippi Records are released on vinyl only and often in small quantities.