Honest Jon's Records - London Is The Place For Me 5 LP

Auf Lager
CHF 25.00

Small Producer

Afro-Cubism, Calypso, Highlife, Mento, Jazz 

Another sack of open-hearted, bitter-sweet, mash-up postcards
to the here and now, from young black London.
As then, calypso carries the swing. There are four more Lord Kitchener songs
— in consideration of his wife leaving him for a GI, cricket umpires,
a fling onboard an ocean-liner and West Indian poultry — besides a hot mambo cash-in,
cross-bred under his supervision, and an uproarious,
teasing Ghanaian tribute to him in Fanti by London visitors The Quavers.

Other calypsos range compellingly from the devaluation of the pound through jiu jitsu,
big rubbery instruments, football fans, heavyweight champ Joe Louis and the sexual allure of English women police.
The Mighty Terror contributes the woe-begotten, cautionary tale of his beloved Patricia’s change of heart:

Ambrose Campbell is back, with six more shots of prodigal, limber, melancholic, visionary West African highlife.
Also the Rolling Stones’ favourite Ginger Johnson, with a percussive Latin scorcher; and Mona Baptiste,
with some wonderful, soulful exotica.
Jamaican mento makes its first entry in the series, with a brace by Tony Johnson:
a drily witty drinking-song, and a love-letter to Marilyn Monroe. Also finally getting some dues,
the path-breaking Latin-African-jazz experiments of Ghanaian drummer
and percussionist Buddy Pipp, with spine-tingling playing by the great Jamaican saxophonist Joe Harriott.


Ein weiterer Sack offenherziger, bittersüßer Postkarten-Mash-ups
an das Hier und Jetzt, aus dem jungen schwarzen London.
Wie damals trägt der Calypso den Swing. Es gibt vier weitere Lord Kitchener-Lieder
- in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass seine Frau ihn wegen eines GI verließ, Kricket-Schiedsrichter,
einen Seitensprung an Bord eines Ozeandampfers und westindisches Geflügel - neben einem heißen Mambo-Cash-In,
der unter seiner Aufsicht gekreuzt wurde, und eine lautstarke,
ghanaischen Hommage an ihn in Fanti von den Londoner Gästen The Quavers.

Andere Calypsos reichen zwingend von der Abwertung des Pfunds über Jiu Jitsu,
große gummiartige Instrumente, Fußballfans, Schwergewichtschampion Joe Louis
und die sexuelle Anziehungskraft der englischen Polizistinnen.
The Mighty Terror steuert die leidvoll-vergessene, mahnende Geschichte vom Sinneswandel seiner geliebten Patricia bei:

Ambrose Campbell ist zurück, mit sechs weiteren Aufnahmen des verschwenderischen,
geschmeidigen, melancholischen, visionären westafrikanischen Highlife.
Auch der Liebling der Rolling Stones, Ginger Johnson, ist mit einem perkussiven Latin-Kracher dabei; und Mona Baptiste,
mit wundervoller, gefühlvoller Exotik.
Jamaikanischer Mento hat seinen ersten Auftritt in der Serie, mit einem Beitrag von Tony Johnson:
ein witziges Trinklied und ein Liebesbrief an Marilyn Monroe. Endlich wird auch
die bahnbrechenden Latin-African-Jazz-Experimente des ghanaischen Schlagzeugers
und Perkussionisten Buddy Pipp, die vom großen jamaikanischen Saxophonisten Joe Harriott mitreißend gespielt werden.


Honest Jons

DER Platten Laden überhaupt am Ende der Portobello Road Londons. Egal ob spektakuläre Reissues oder super aktuelle und grossartige elektronische Musik - Honest Jon's hat die Finger im Spiel. "Informal University for music lovers" - wird der Laden liebevoll genannt und ist seit 1974 das Herz der Londoner Musik Community. Das Label Honest Jon's wird unter anderem von Notting Hill local Damon Albarn mitbetrieben. Seit 2008 veröffentlicht Honest Jon's immer wieder Leckerbissen aus den 150 000 78 - rpm Aufnahmen aus den klimakontrollierten archivräumen der EMI archives in Hayes England.

Erhältlich bei: Kitchener Bern


EN: Honest Jon's is an independent record shop based on Portobello Road in Ladbroke Grove, London, operating since 1974. The shop is owned and run by Mark Ainley and Alan Scholefield, who took over from one of the original proprietors, "Honest" Jon Clare. Their record label of the same name is run in conjunction with Damon Albarn, who has been quoted as saying: "I don't really like the term world music. Wherever it comes from, it's all just music, isn't it? Hopefully that's what Honest Jon's is about - to open a few minds to what's out there."[1] The shop sells a multitude of genres of music on vinyl and CD, specializing in jazz, blues, reggae, dance, soul, folk and outernational. It runs a mail-order business from www.honestjons.com. Formed in 2002, the label has released compilation albums such as its London Is The Place For Me series, excavating the music of young Black London, in the years after World War II ("a fascinating archive of material from the 1950s and 60s, chronicling a time when diasporic rhythms were more or less the sole preserve of the small communities responsible for bringing them to these shores");[2] also collections of British folk, Port-of-Spain soca, Afro-Cuban jazz from the Bronx, Jamaican dancehall; and retrospectives of artists including Moondog, Maki Asakawa, Bettye Swann and Cedric "Im" Brooks & The Light of Saba. It has released original music by Candi Staton, Actress, T++, Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, Mark Ernestus, Trembling Bells, The Good, The Bad & The Queen, Simone White, Shackleton, Michael Hurley, Terry Hall, and the Moritz Von Oswald Trio. It recorded the chaabi orchestra of Abdel Hadi Halo on location in Algiers; Lobi Traore and Kokanko Sata Doumbia in Bamako; and Tony Allen in Lagos. In 2008, Honest Jon's began a run of compilations of early recordings — mostly drawn from the EMI Archive in Hayes, Hillingdon — stretching back to the start of the twentieth century, covering all corners of the world: from the break-up of the Ottoman Empire more than a hundred years ago, to 1950s Beirut, to late-1920s Baghdad, to 1930s East Africa. wikipedia

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