Sahel Sounds
Sahel Sounds heisst das Label von Christopher Kirkley. Der Name ist Programm und so gibts bei Sahel Sounds zeitgenösische Musik der Sahelregion. Grossartig. Fernweh garantiert! Künstler auf Sahel Sounds: Les Filles de Illighadad, Mdou Moctar, Amanar und viele mehr.
Erhältlich bei:
Kitchener Bern
Sahel Sounds is the project of Christopher Kirkley, gentleman explorer/music archivist/artist/curator/and occasional dj. His work examines contemporary popular musics in an evolving technological landscape from the interplay of localized traditions with transglobal influences to new media models of cultural transmission.Sahel Sounds began as a blog in 2009 to share field recordings and has evolved into a record label. The blog continues as a documentation of recordings, as well as a platform to explore arts and music of the region through nontraditional ethnographic fieldwork.
Available at:
Kitchener Bern