Mami Wata
Die Macher von Mami Wata starteten das junge südafrikanische Surflabel aus Liebe und Glauben. Aus Liebe fürs Surfen und Design Afrikas, aus Glauben in die Kraft afrikanischen Surfens.
„Mami Wata“ heisst in westafrikanischem „pidgin“-Englisch „Mama Water“ – Mutter Ozean. Mami Wata ist der afrikanischen Wassergeist, der in der Form einer Meerjungfrau erscheint, sei es in Madagaskar, Marokko, Mozambique oder Liberia.
Mami Wata wird vollumfänglich in Afrika produziert mit localen Materialien. Bei der Produktion verwenden sie wenn immer möglich recylierbare Materialien.
EN: „We started Mami Wata because of love and belief. Our love for surfing, design and Africa. Our belief in the power of African surf.“
“Mami Wata” is West African pidgin English literally meaning ‘Mama Water’… ‘Mother Ocean’ if you prefer. From Madagascar to Morocco, Liberia to Mozambique, Mami Wata is the African water spirit who appears in the shape of a mermaid. It is said that those who she takes for her lovers, return with a new spirit and become more successful and good looking.
The Mamy Wata manifesto:
Made in Africa with power - Our products are made with love in Africa to the highest quality, using local materials, like African cotton, and no bad vibes.
Shining our African seas - Mami Wata respects and shares the goodness of nature. We use sustainable materials like Better Cotton Initiative cotton and compostable / recycled packaging.
African Nature Cures - Mami Wata supports surfing in Africa. The power we get from the sea, will change you in strange and better ways. Come with us.
Erhältlich bei:
Kitchener Bern
Kitchener Zürich