A Beautiful Story - Gemstone Card Aventurin Gold Mint
Gemstone: Aventurine
Power: Strength
Length: 15-22cm
Material: Gemstone
-Edelstein: Aventurin
Kraft: Stärke
Länge: 15-22cm
Material: Edelstein
about this stone
aventurine gives you strength.
This bracelet is made of cotton yarn and a centrally placed aventurine gemstone.
The bracelet is adjustable by a sliding knot.
Going on an adventure is always exciting. The aventurine is always up for adventure.
Do you need more confidence for the next step in your life?
Think of a new job or a new home - the aventurine will accompany you.
Together it will be the beginning of something festive.
Edelsteinkarte Aventurin Gold Armband
über diesen stein
aventurin schenkt dir kraft.
Dieses Armband ist hergestellt aus Baumwollgarn und einem mittig platzierten Aventurin Edelstein.
Das Armband ist verstellbar durch einen Schiebeknoten.
Auf Abenteuer gehen ist immer aufregend. Der Aventurin ist stets für Abenteuer zu haben.
Benötigst Du mehr Vertrauen für den folgenden Schritt in Deinem Leben?
Denk dabei an einen neuen Job oder ein neues Zuhause - der Aventurin begleitet Dich.
Zusammen wird es der Beginn von etwas Feierlichem.

A BeautIful Story
It all started with a Silver Factory
There once was a small silver factory in a city called Kathmandu, the Nepali capital.
A beautiful story begins in the year 2005. During that year the factory offered jobs to twenty outstanding silver smiths, who created the most amazing jewelry. Dambar, the owner of the factory, was looking for more customers to buy his stunning products. More customers meant more sales, which in return would let him secure employment for the men under his care. This news travelled halfway around the globe, and reached Cathelijne Lania, the founder of A Beautiful Story, in The Netherlands.
Women’s empowerment
Through the men working in the silver factory (silver smith is a male-dominated profession in Nepal) they met a group of women.
Their business was called 'Beads for Life' and their goal was to achieve financial independence.
A Beautiful Story also decided to sell their knitted jewelry and within a few years, the group grew to 15 fulltime workers. They make the most intriguing and awe-inspiring pieces and apply various techniques, including good old crochet, in their knitted collection!