A Beautiful Story - Flora Moonstone Gold Necklace

Nicht auf Lager
CHF 29.90

Sustainable Small Producer Fair

gemstone: Moonstone
color: Gold, White
Power: Feminine power
length: 40 - 43 cm

-Edelstein: Mondstein
Farbe: Gold, Weiß
Kraft: Weibliche Kraft
Länge: 40 - 43 cm

This necklace is made of glass beads and a small moonstone gemstone.

A crystal deeply connected to the moon and her cycles, and through that
reminding us of our female wisdom, our intuition loud and clear. Moonstone
honors new cycles, new beginnings and the beauty within those moments.

Gemstones are created by nature. Every gemstone is unique. That’s why
the color of your piece of jewelry may look slightly different from
the picture.


Diese Halskette ist aus Glasperlen und einem kleinen Mondstein gefertigt.

Ein Kristall, der tief mit dem Mond und seinen Zyklen verbunden ist und
uns dadurch an unsere weibliche Weisheit, unsere Intuition laut und deutlich
erinnert. Der Mondstein ehrt neue Zyklen, neue Anfänge und die Schönheit
in diesen Momenten.

Edelsteine werden von der Natur geschaffen. Jeder Edelstein ist einzigartig.
Aus diesem Grund kann die Farbe Ihres Schmuckstücks leicht von der Abbildung


A BeautIful Story

It all started with a Silver Factory

There once was a small silver factory in a city called Kathmandu, the Nepali capital.

A beautiful story begins in the year 2005. During that year the factory offered jobs to twenty outstanding silver smiths, who created the most amazing jewelry. Dambar, the owner of the factory, was looking for more customers to buy his stunning products. More customers meant more sales, which in return would let him secure employment for the men under his care. This news travelled halfway around the globe, and reached Cathelijne Lania, the founder of A Beautiful Story, in The Netherlands.

Women’s empowerment

Through the men working in the silver factory (silver smith is a male-dominated profession in Nepal) they met a group of women.

Their business was called 'Beads for Life' and their goal was to achieve financial independence.

A Beautiful Story also decided to sell their knitted jewelry and within a few years, the group grew to 15 fulltime workers. They make the most intriguing and awe-inspiring pieces and apply various techniques, including good old crochet, in their knitted collection!

More about A BeautIful Story