Franco Luambo Makiadi Presents Les Editions Populaires (1968-1970)
Planet Ilunga is an independent Belgian record label focusing on music that is at first sight untranslatable. It specialises in archiving, documenting and sharing the “Rumba Lingala” sound from the fifties and sixties from both the Congos. Planet Ilunga wishes to contribute to restoring the rich Congolese music archive, in the first place through high quality vinyl records and extensive bookle
"Indépendance Cha Cha” was an historic song, not only because it immortalized Congo’s independence in its lyrics, but also because it was the first single published by a Congolese-owned record label.
Joseph Kabasele’s label Surboum African Jazz indeed paved the way for several Congolese musicians to become record publishers. It resulted in the 1960s in a plethora of newly found Kinshasa-based record labels, run by the biggest musicians of the time.
With this new series “Les éditeurs congolais”, Planet Ilunga aims to honour and highlight the phonographic and entrepreneurial work of those first Congolese record label bosses. We kick off with a compilation of one of the most significant labels, Les Editions Populaires. This label, founded by Franco Luambo Makiadi in 1968 after he first co-founded with Vicky Longomba the labels Epanza Makita (+/- 117 singles) and Boma Bango (+/- 50 singles) and after starting his first short-lived label Likembe (+/- 5 singles), ran until 1982 and was mostly dedicated to the output of OK Jazz (later TPOK Jazz).
This compilation brings together an original selection of 16 tracks from the first three years of Les Editions Populaires.
They are a showcase of the sound Franco had envisioned for his band. The focus was less on cha-cha-cha and Spanish lyrics, but on lingering rumba and bolero ballads in Lingala, tradition-rooted songs in Kikongo, Kimongo and even Yoruba, collaborations with Ngoma artists Camille Feruzi and Manuel d’Oliveira and not to forget solid pastiches of American funk, which were showing that the OK Jazz musicians had an open-minded view on music and were capable of excelling in many genres. Mama Na Ngai indeed!

Bongo Joe
In der selben Tradition wie Honest Jon's aus London steht auch der 2013 gegründete Record Shop Bongo Joe in Genf. Nebst einer grossartigen Auswahl an musikalischen Leckerbissen dient Bongo Joe mit seiner Terrasse und einer Bar mit seinem monatlichem Programm auch als Treffpunkt für Musikliebhaber. Das Label bringt immer wieder grossartige Platten auf den Markt, von anatomischem Psych-Pop bis afro-kubanischem Space Sound.
EN: The Record Shop Bongo Joe in Geneva, founded in 2013, follows the same tradition as Honest Jon's from London. In addition to a great selection of musical gems, Bongo Joe, with its terrace and bar, also serves as a gathering place for music lovers with a monthly programme. The label regularly releases great records, from anatomical psych-pop to Afro-Cuban space sound.